Lic# TACLB00026502E-TX
Lic# HVACR1505090-AR
Lic# 176394-OK

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Lic# TACLB00026502E-TX
Lic# HVACR1505090-AR
Lic# 176394-OK

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Why You Need Post-Renovation Cleaning

Renovations create residual dust and debris, and when the cleanup isn’t thorough, it’s time to call in the post-renovation cleaning services. But here’s the catch: the dust and debris aren’t just in plain sight; they often find their way into your HVAC system. This hidden intruder can harm indoor air quality, give rise to unpleasant odors, and even strain your heating and air conditioning equipment. In this blog, we’ll dive into the importance of post-renovation HVAC cleaning and what you should do about it.

The Impact of Renovations on Your HVAC System

Renovations generate significant dust and debris. While most of it may be visible, a good portion ends up in your ductwork and HVAC system. These particles can be out of sight, but they’re certainly not out of mind. Besides compromising indoor air quality, they can increase energy consumption and wear and tear on your HVAC equipment.

Why Post-Renovation HVAC Cleaning is Vital

The aftermath of a renovation puts substantial stress on your HVAC system. Dust and debris from the construction process infiltrate your ducts and air handlers, leading to increased energy bills and potentially shortening the lifespan of your HVAC system. Avoiding post-renovation HVAC cleaning could eventually result in the need for costly equipment replacement.

Replace or Clean HVAC Filters

Your HVAC filters are the first line of defense against dust and debris, preventing them from infiltrating your furnace and air conditioning equipment. Neglecting to change these filters regularly can lead to accumulated grime on vital components, affecting the equipment’s performance and increasing energy consumption. When filters get clogged, they hinder air flow and could even lead to issues like coil freezing or compressor overheating. After a renovation, replacing HVAC filters ensures optimal indoor air quality, and changing them every 90 days is recommended. If you have pets, asthma, or young children, consider more frequent replacements – approximately every 6 to 8 weeks.

HVAC Duct Cleaning

Duct cleaning is an essential step in the post-renovation process. All the dust and debris that coats every surface in your home also tends to accumulate in your HVAC ducts. Professional duct cleaning eliminates dust that may obstruct the passages and offers several additional benefits. It improves indoor air quality by removing odors caused by paint flakes and volatile chemicals. Duct cleaning also eliminates moisture accumulating in the dust layer, creating a perfect environment for mold growth. Moreover, clean ducts ensure your HVAC system operates efficiently, lowering energy bills.

Air Conditioner Coil Cleaning

Your air conditioner’s coils are critical components of your cooling system, and they can collect dust and debris after a renovation. Over time, this buildup can reduce the air conditioner’s ability to remove heat from your space and affect airflow, resulting in higher utility bills and potentially expensive repairs. Coil cleaning should be an integral part of your post-renovation cleaning projects.

Consider an HVAC Maintenance Plan

Maintaining your HVAC equipment is crucial, especially after renovations. Hidden from sight, it’s easy to neglect regular maintenance, but the consequences include higher energy bills, discomfort, and frequent breakdowns. An HVAC maintenance plan includes filter replacement, coil cleaning, and a range of tasks to keep your system running reliably:

  • Cleaning vents and fans
  • Checking equipment operation
  • Cleaning pans and drains
  • Inspecting motors and other moving parts
  • Proactively replacing worn parts


Contact Us Today 

If you’re interested in improving your home’s air quality through air duct cleaning, reach out to us today. Absolute Heat and Air is your trusted partner for all HVAC needs, from one-time system cleaning to setting up a regular maintenance schedule. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


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