If you’ve ever bought a brand-new car, then you know it can be exciting. At the same time, you know that in the distant future – hopefully in the distant future – your car will likely need to have some parts replaced to keep running. Parts like tires, belts, batteries, etc.
Over time, your HVAC system will likely need some parts replaced too. So we will cover some of these parts, including capacitors, refrigerant, and batteries. We hope you find this quick guide helpful and informative.
We invite you to keep reading to learn more!
1 Capacitors
A typical HVAC system will have two capacitors: one in the furnace, and one in the A/C unit. A capacitor looks and acts like a battery. Its job is to jump-start the motors in your system and keep them running.
Now think about how often you turn on your furnace during winter and your A/C during summer. Probably A LOT. So you can imagine that your capacitors work a ton of overtime. Because of all this work, they eventually give out and need a professional to replace them.
Burnt-out capacitors are typically caught during routine maintenance. Your system will continue to run if your capacitors are dead, but the motors that depend on them will slowly burn up. This creates much bigger issues down the road.
2 Refrigerant
Refrigerant is the liquid that keeps you cool on hot days. Fun fact: R-134a – a common type of refrigerant – boils at -15.34 degrees Fahrenheit!
HVAC expert Jay Lekh makes a good point about refrigerant: the amount put in your system is supposed to last your system’s lifetime; it’s not like gasoline in a car where you need a refill after a while. If your system needs a refrigerant refill, it means you have a leak.
You’ll know that your system is leaking refrigerant from these signs: 1) your A/C won’t be able to keep you cool on hot days, and 2) you’ll notice ice forming on the exposed copper pipes on your A/C unit. This issue requires an HVAC professional to fix.
3 Batteries
If the batteries in your thermostat die, your system won’t be able to operate. At this point, you might get worried that something is broken. It doesn’t help that manufacturers make thermostats with battery ports that are really hard to open. And sometimes, the battery port is hidden, and you need to pry the thermostat off the wall while hoping you don’t break it or pull electrical wires out of the wall!
The fix is simple: refer to your owner’s manual for instructions or call a pro to replace them. And when HVAC technicians come to your home for routine maintenance, ask them to check out your batteries as part of their inspection.
Absolute Heat & Air has provided superior-quality heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) services in the Northwest Arkansas & Gainesville, Texas areas for over ten years. So if you’re experiencing any issues with your system, contact us by clicking here.